Meet A Houston Mom - Meet Abby Sharpe of Sleep Baby Consulting - West University Moms

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Houston?

I grew up in North Carolina, but most recently moved to Houston from Charleston, SC where I lived for 7 years! I have lived in houston only about 4 months!!

Child(ren) and Age(s)?

I have 2 boys! Bennett (2.5) and Luke (8 months)

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…

I went to high school with Chris Paul of the Houston Rockets!!!! We did school government together!

Favorite local things to do in Houston?

We love going to Tinys after church to get some treats! We also LOVE Levy Park!!!

Do you have a favorite family friendly restaurant in the area?

Yes! Little Matt’s is awesome as well as Christian’s Tailgate! My 2 year old loves both!!

What is your go-to activity for yourself for pampering or for fun?

This may be a little lame…but I love going to the grocery store by myself! ha! I also love going to the YMCA downtown because it is such a great facility and has a smoothie shop in it!

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the corporate world? Please share!

I am involved in a business venture but for me, it is so much more than that! I work as an infant and baby sleep consultant called Sleep Baby Consulting and absolutely love my job! I love getting to work with moms (and dads!) to help teach their baby how to sleep better. Sleep is so vital for all of us, and I truly just want parents to know that sleep is something that can be achieved, even with babies!  By the way, you can read an article I wrote for West U Moms here.

How has the Houston community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

Before moving to Houston, people would often tell me how much I would love Houston and I couldn’t agree more. Houston and all of the people I have met have been so welcoming–from people at the grocery stores, coffee shops, kid places, libraries, and even gas stations, have all been so helpful and welcoming. The community I have already formed in Houston has made the move smoother, has helped me feel less alone in this motherhood business, and given me lots of options of fun things to do with my kiddos!

What is the best advice for juggling mommyhood and running a business (or volunteering, working, etc)?

Give yourself grace. We all want to be perfect and be able to do it all, but we just can’t! People appreciate authenticity so much, so when you can’t do it all, ask for help! Doing that has really taught me that people genuinely care and want to help others!

What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids?

So much! Ha! I would tell myself to go get my haircut more frequently, don’t complain about having to go to the grocery store, go see more movies, etc. But I would also have told myself that there is no way to be prepared for the love and joy you are going to feel. Sure, there will be hard days (lots of those!), but when those kids say “I love you mommy,” your heart will swell with what you have been gifted!

Funniest shortcut/routine for helping you through parenthood?

Keep big amazon boxes for forts or to color inside of! Freeze yogurt pops for “ice cream!” Clean as you go! Double recipes to eat leftovers! Make bottles for the baby ahead of time!

You can follow Abby on the sites below: 


Instagram: @sleepbabyconsulting

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