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Meet a Houston Mom | Meet Sandy Polu of Plum Spark

Click to Watch Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Houston? I’m a native Houstonion, but I moved away after high school. I returned 5 years ago to raise a family and be near my parents. Child(ren) and Age(s)?  Son, 4 years old One thing people...

Meet a Houston Mom | Meet Anna McKay of Parents Pivot

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Houston? I grew up in Savannah, GA, but I have lived in 9 different cities in 4 different countries between High School and today. I have lived in Houston for the past 6 years. This is actually the longest...

Meet a Houston Mom | Meet Suniti Barua of Idea Lab Bellaire

I was so impressed with Idea Lab Bellaire after my son participated in their summer camp recently, that I was compelled to talk to the owner, Suniti Burua, a Houston mom, to see how she got started and what her inspiration was. Read a brief summary of our one-on-one...

Meet A Mom: Meet Katie and Amy- The Moms Behind Heart To Market

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Houston?Amy was born in Houston — spent her childhood living in Hong Kong and eventually moved back stateside and graduated Kempner High School in Sugar Land. She majored in Graphic Design at TCU and moved...

Meet A Houston Mom: Meet Janelle of Janelle Alexis Salon

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Houston? Originally from Farmington Hills, Michigan. I’ve been in Houston and the surrounding areas since I was 3; Houston is home. Child(ren) and Age(s)? I have a daughter, Mia, who is 14. Can’t believe...

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