“iWRITE Classes at Home,” Educational Programming for Houston-Area Students
Airing on FOX 26-My20 on Thursdays at Noon (CST)
Interactive writing lessons from iWRITE Founder & Children’s Author Melissa Williams Murphy on CH 20
Houston, TX – April 14, 2020 —The iWRITE Nonprofit Organization is collaborating with FOX 26 and My20 on the Classes at Home Initiative to provide fun educational television programming for Houston-area children every Thursday at 12 noon (CST). The interactive series hosted by iWRITE’s own founder and children’s author, Melissa Williams Murphy, will kick off on Thursday, April 16th. The program will feature creative writing lessons, how-to draw demonstrations, readings from local authors, iWRITE students, and cameos from the organization’s mascot, “i” The Guy. This innovative initiative aims to assist
educators and nonprofits like iWRITE in reaching every student in the Houston area, including those that may not have access to the internet and the latest technology.
“Our organization strives to support students of all backgrounds and help them grow their confidence through writing,” said Melissa Williams Murphy, iWRITE founder and children’s author. “We’re proud to partner with FOX 26 and My20 to engage with students inside their own homes. iWRITE Classes at Home will spark inspiration, practice critical thinking, and help students avoid major learning loss through entertaining lessons designed for students to watch and learn independently.”
Viewers are encouraged to have a pencil and paper ready to participate in each episode’s lesson. The activities and other resources shared will be made available on the nonprofit’s website. Students have the opportunity share their writing and connect with iWRITE online through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (#iWRITEathome).
Founded in 2009, the iWRITE Nonprofit Organization builds student confidence through writing. Every student who participates in iWRITE programs becomes a better writer, and through their story characters, discovers something new about themselves and others. The organization has professionally published over 650 students across the globe in the 3rd-12th grade and works with thousands of students inside Houston elementary schools with our “i” The Guy mascot and creative writing program. Students in their programs become more confident, which opens the door to opportunities they never had before.
To learn more about iWRITE, please visit https://iwrite.org. For more information about Melissa Williams, please visit www.melissamwilliamsauthor.com.